The Italian privacy regulator has ordered a popular AI chatbot to cease processing data on domestic citizens after breaking GDPR rules. The ‘virtual friend’ app tries to improve users’ emotional well-being and help users understand their thoughts and calm anxiety through stress management, socialization and the search for love,” but doesn’t seem to comply with the law’s transparency requirements. It processes the personal data of children unlawfully as there is no age verification mechanism to prevent children signing up, and the AI bot’s “replies” to users have been flagged as unsuitable for younger users.
The GPDP said some app store reviews had noted sexually inappropriate content generated by the bot. The features entail interactions with a person’s mood and can bring about increased risks to individuals who have not yet grown up or else are emotionally vulnerable.”
Luka has been ordered to terminate the processing of Italians’ data within 20 days or risk a fine of up to €20m or 4% of turnover.